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Glen Cove City School District uses ParentSquare, a simple and unified school-to-home communication platform — to reach and engage every parent, helping ensure all parents have the opportunity to actively participate in their children’s education. ParentSquare will be available for staff and parents to use on their computers or mobile devices.

By unifying multiple tools into one communications app and service, ParentSquare will provide a seamless experience for families and staff. Parents will be able to keep track of news, activities and events from all their children’s schools in one place. 

We hope that ParentSquare’s intuitive, two-way platform will foster greater communication and family involvement. With ParentSquare, parents can enjoy photos posted by teachers, fill out forms and permission slips, sign up for parent-teacher conferences, check attendance, and much more. School staff and parents can engage in both one-to-one and group messaging with real-time language translation!

All district and school information will now be sent using Parent Square. Communication will continue to come to your computer or phone via email and or/text as it has in the past. But for a more detailed experience, we encourage all of our community members to download the Parent Square app (available for free for iOS and Android devices). Take advantage of the important information below, we look forward to our enhanced communication with our community! 

If you have any questions/comments or require technical assistance, please reach out by sending an email to:

Community Members can join ParentSquare to receive district messages

The Glen Cove City School District uses ParentSquare as one of its primary communication platforms and community members are invited to join.

The Glen Cove City School District Community Group on ParentSquare allows guests, such as members of the community who do not have students active in the district, but would still like to receive district notifications including emergency closures and delays.

Current staff and parents/guardians do not need to register for the ParentSquare community groups.

Community members who register will be able to:

  • Receive district communication via email, text, or app notification
  • Manage notification settings
  • Communicate in their preferred language.

To join the Glen Cove City School District Community Group on ParentSquare:

Go to the Glen Cove City Schools Community Groups sign-up page

  1. Enter your full name, email address, and mobile phone number.
  2. Select "Glen Cove City School District Community Group” and then click “submit”
  3. You will receive an activation email to complete your registration. Click Activate your account. 

Glen Cove City School District Community Group

This group is for Glen Cove CSD staff, families and members of the wider community looking to stay up-to-date on all community events taking place at Glen Cove Schools. Our district calendar can be viewed here.

Support resources are available to you at any time. You can always click on the question mark on the upper right hand corner of the ParentSquare website or click on the “Help” tab (click the triple bar on the top left corner) in the ParentSquare app.

Our goal is to provide members of the community with a platform that encourages greater engagement with the Glen Cove school community while keeping you informed in a way that is convenient.

Here's What You Can Do with ParentSquare

  • Receive messages from the school via email, text, or app notification
  • Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once daily
  • Communicate in your preferred language
  • Comment on school postings to engage in your school community
  • Participate in group messages