District Goals 2024 - 2025
Goal I - Curriculum and Instruction
Academic Excellence
To provide rigorous curricular programs for students to promote critical thinking (PreK - 12th grade). Our instructional program supports the educational needs of all students, in an equitable, inclusive and safe learning environment. This will be measured by comparative data to include, but not limited to:
- Graduation – complete Portrait of a Graduate to demonstrate proficiency: must be critical thinkers, innovative problem solvers, literate across all content areas, culturally competent, socially-emotionally competent, effective communicators, and global citizens
- Credit Accumulation – analyze data on credit accumulation and passing grades at the MS and HS to increase student achievement
- Attendance – analyze data, emphasize attendance teams and increase family education on how attendance is a vital indicator of the future success of students in order to decrease chronic absenteeism.
- Assessments – Early Literacy Assessments, Fountas & Pinnell, Renaissance Star, 3rd - 8th Grade State Assessments, NYSITELL, NYSESLAT, Regents, AP exams, SAT and ACT
Expand Learning Opportunities
To expand learning opportunities across the district to create enriching activities to support critical thinking, collaboration and choice in classroom-based instruction. Such opportunities allow students to develop core social competencies, such as self-efficacy, that contribute to success in both academic settings and post-secondary pursuits.
- Explore enhanced course offerings and choices across areas, inclusive of such considerations as dual enrollment courses, financial literacy, engineering, fine arts, etc.
- Review courses & program at the middle school level for greater student engagement & success.
- Explore technology resources especially as these relate to Artificial Intelligence and how these integrate into our educational systems from the student level to the teacher & staff level.
- Continue to explore and participate in competitive opportunities to enhance student skills and experiences across the curriculum.
Social Emotional Growth
Support students’ fundamental social and emotional skills based on the knowledge that such skills are key to children’s self-awareness, learning, perseverance, and ability to collaborate. The focus on the social emotional growth of students is intentional, with the goal in mind, for students to be successful.
- Improve school-wide norms and procedures across the district that will result in the increase of attendance, course credit accumulation, and graduation rate.
- Enhancing positive behavioral interventions and ensuring appropriate guidelines within programs that increase student engagement and students’ sense of belonging.
Goal II - Business & Finance
Transparency and Accountability
To create a fiscally responsible budget for the 2025 - 2026 school year, as we continue to be financially accountable and educationally responsive. This is measured by:
- Passing a fiscally responsible budget for the 2025-2026 school year in the Spring of 2025, mindful of the community, accountable in all areas of spending and meeting the needs of our students.
- Maintaining reserves for use during the budget process to offset expenses, avoid elimination of programs and staff as well as work towards the enhancements of instructional spaces.
- Continue to explore and advocate for additional funding streams to include: grant writing, state aid/foundation aid support and/or cultivating donors.
Goal III - Business, Finance, and Facilities
Health and Safety
Based on the identified needs of the District’s facilities during the current and former bond discussions, continue prioritize and secure essential capital projects and repairs within our school buildings to create a safe, secure, environmentally-friendly learning environment while maintaining fiscal, health and safety obligations to our students and community until all items are complete:
- Review the list of projects currently under consideration and prioritize capital projects/essential repairs still needed to insure a safe and productive learning environment
- Explore and consider a Phase II project for Energy Performance
- Update SED 5 Year Plan to meet the needs of the District’s facilities
Goal IV - Human Resources
Communication and Recruiting
To appropriately support all staff by enhancing and revising communication systems, resources, and training.
- Implement the utilization of Frontline Central to provide a central hub for key personnel documents in relation to onboarding and exiting, day-to-day forms, and compliance practices.
- Review and update staff Handbooks to provide all personnel with key information outlining important district policies and practices.
- Construct additional hiring resources to further support committee stakeholders in evaluating the most qualified candidates for a respective position.
Goal V - Communication and Community Engagement
Provide parents with information necessary to support their children’s educational journey:
- Continue to host Parent Universities on relevant topics in English and Spanish, such as but not limited to:
- Special education process and procedures
- ENL support
- Continue to improve parent and community awareness of district activities, school events and student related information through the use of ParentSquared, calendar, social media and local news media as well as other means.