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K-2 Science

Many states have adopted new standards based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) because they understand that a robust science education in elementary school will pave the way for increased opportunities in middle school, high school, and college. The NGSS enable teachers to offer all students interactive science instruction that promotes analysis and interpretation of data, critical thinking, problem solving, and connections across science disciplines—with a high set of expectations for achievement in grades K–2 (information from

How will students learn science in the classroom?

Each year, students should be able to demonstrate greater capacity for connecting knowledge across, and between, the physical sciences, life sciences, earth and space sciences, and engineering design. During grades K–2, your child will begin to form connections between concepts and skills such as understanding relationships between objects, planning and carrying out investigations, and constructing explanations. (information from

Upon completion of grades K-2, your child should have a deeper understanding of:

  • Motion and properties of matter;
  • Relationship between sound and vibrating materials;
  • Factors that impact what plants and animals need to survive; and
  • How objects can be changed or improved through engineering.