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9 - 12 Science

Our science courses are aligned to the New York State Science Learning Standards. The NYSP-12SLS are based on guiding documents grounded in the most current research in science and scientific learning; and reflect the importance of every student’s engagement with natural scientific phenomenon at the nexus of three dimensions of learning; Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting concepts; A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards. All of the P-12 Science Learning Standards can be found here. (information from NYSED).

How will students learn science in the classroom?

Each year, students should be able to demonstrate greater capacity for connecting knowledge across, and between, the physical sciences, life sciences, earth and space sciences, and engineering design. During grades 9-12, your child will begin to form deeper connections between concepts and skills previously learned in grades 6-8, such as evaluating methods for collecting data, evaluating limitations of models based on evidence, and creating algorithms to solve problems. Students will develop a deeper understanding of science beyond memorizing facts and will experience similar scientific and engineering practices as those used by professionals in the field. (information from

Upon completion of grades 9 - 12, your child should have a deeper understanding of:

  • Subatomic forces and energy conservation.
  • System complexity and the molecular basis of biology.
  • How technology measures and predicts chemical reactions and ocean currents and
  • How engineering design can help address global issues. 

Grades 9 - 12