All students at Glen Cove High School must have .5 credits of Health Education to meet the graduation requirement. We believe that health education is a combined responsibility of school, community and home. Our mission is to inspire our youth to make responsible decisions for their overall wellness and we hope that students will choose a healthy lifestyle both now and in the future.
Health Education lessons, activities and projects will be skills-based and focus on the following New York State Health Education Standards:
Throughout the school year, students will learn to acquire the skills that enhance their health and learn about the following topics:
Personal Health and Fitness
A Safe and Healthy Environment
Resource Management
Making Healthy Choices
Personality and Self Esteem
Stress Management
Mental Disorders
Eating Disorders
Building Healthy Relationships
Food and Nutrition
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Reproductive System
Substance Abuse (including alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs)